“It’s what’s going on after business hours.”
It’s tough to create a category about the other side of this business. The side that still remains creative, fun, and expressive — long after normal business hours are over. We’re a creative bunch of folks that pursues talents beyond our “real” jobs — like musicians, bakers, authors, and painters. We are also involved in philanthropy and community volunteerism, and while a paycheck isn’t always there, the fulfillment certainly is.
Community Events
The Phoenixville Firebird Festival provided a great opportunity to volunteer services to the community’s annual mid-December festival. Time was donated to help construct the 20-foot “bonfire” bird, designing and producing an event newsletter, as well as creating yearly logos to promote tee-shirt and promotional items.
Philanthropic Efforts
MHDC is a housing developer who depends on fundraising events and government grants to expand their efforts in providing affordable housing to lower income families throughout southern Delaware.
West without Borders is West Pharmaceutical’s outreach program developed to unify employees in the support of worldwide healthcare and education.
Human Services Organizations
Elwyn is a human services organization dedicated to providing care to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Part of their sustainability depends on endowments, donations, and fundraising events.